Monday, July 13, 2009


Seafield is on the hunt for three fugitives. It is believed that theese three were involved in the "fire burning in the class floor". It is believed that Pn.Ung has bought two hound dogs to sniff them out of hidding. 2 weeks before, Pn.Ung interviwed the threesome; where the leader of the gang, Kenneth'al-Muyhibin' wong pleaded guilty to all charges, his right hand men, Isaac' al-terrorist' also pleaded guilty to all charges. Shaun'al-hujabah' was the third party, but he pleaded not guilty.

The Leader

His right hand man

Picture of Shaun'al-hujabah' is unavailable, because he pleaded not guilty. Seafield has offered a reward for the capture of theese three arsonist.

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