Thursday, December 24, 2009

Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas

For all the great times that we've had together, for the unforgettable laughs and joys we've shared, for all the cool, stupid, and great stuff we've done, for the bond of friendship we've made this year; thank you boys, I am so grateful.

A year has come and gone. And it's Christmas-time again. As you've (all you really loyal followers) all noticed, we haven't blogged at all during the holiday. Why? Cos' without the whole group, Brotherhood-life just isn't the same. So until next year, where we'll all be together back at school again, we'll be seeing you.

So have a very merry and blessed Christmas from all of us here in the Brotherhood! Spread the Christmas joy, goodwill unto all mankind, and peace be with y'all. Happy New Year!


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